This is an incredibly confused post. First you try to suggest it could be some female specific DSD like Swyers syndrome. But it doesn't fit the profile given the male levels of testosterone, athleticism and blatant male puberty. If there is a DSD, all the available facts point to the male specific 5-alpha reductase deficiency.

But then you go on to say it doesn't really matter, because sex isn't important when deciding whether biological men should be allowed to punch women in the face and cheat them out of medals. What's actually important is 'gender' identity. If Mike Tyson assumed a female 'gender' identity and changed his legal gender, you cool with him jumping in the ring with women? Because I can't see how your criteria would prohibit that.

These two athletes are men. They know they are men. And defending them instead of the actual women they are punching and cheating out of medals will age very badly.

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Aug 5Liked by Mark Watson Books

Being a man or a woman is a matter of gender, not a simple matter of a chromosomal algebra.

Actually, according to biological science the sex genes are what defines male from female.

As Heather Heying so eloquently put it, "If you method of sexual transmission is small and motile, you are a male. If your method of sexual transmission is large and sessile, you are a female." The Sex genes are what provide the secondary characteristics that show up in puberty, (the breasts and vagina in females, and the pubes and testicles in males.)

Biological Sex is very important, because some medications only work on men and some only work on women.

Gender, as a concept, was rarely used before 1960. All travel documents and official government documents used the biological sex.

It was a freaking sex offender who was masquerading as a researcher that made Gender popular.

There are masculine looking women and feminine looking men, but they are women and men, they don't pretend to be the other sex.

As for your claim of HyperAndrogenism, here are the indicators: Clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism include hirsutism, acne, androgenic alopecia, and virilization. Hirsutism, defined as excessive growth of terminal hair in women in a male-like pattern, is the most commonly used clinical diagnostic criterion of hyperandrogenism.

Let's take an example. Rhonda Rousey is a female heavy weight boxer. However, pound for pound, her punches don't break other women's orbital sockets or cause brain damage. Whereas, a man who's pretending to be a woman will hit harder, and cause more damage, because of muscle mass.

Gender should not be the deciding factor in sports, it should be biological sex.

That's just my opinion.

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All the proof we have so far is that the boxer in question is a biological female, with breasts and a vagina, who menstruates and has never gone through male puberty. Her birth certificate also identifies her as female. At no point in her life has she been a man pretending to be a woman.

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Can I see this proof please? I'd be very interested to see how you conducted a genital and internal examination.

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I need the rest but I heard she was intersex or middlesex and raised as a girl.

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Cowardly. Never mind. I will just block you.

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Aug 4·edited Aug 4Author

God yes, please do. What an awesome "asshole filter" 🤩

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Aug 4Liked by Mark Watson Books

Haha, brilliant 👍

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